
"u ar the president of my heart,~"

..and i will be ur secretary..

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day Four: 10 Things I want to say to a person

ok baiklah..ini sgt susah dan i took so lama to fikir who the person is.but sorry..cant figure out who so i change the rule a bit..sorry yang..just can get the rite person.so i changed it to say something to 10 person below.hehe..

  1. Mohd Tahir and Susilawati - thank you for giving birth to me.i love you both ketat-ketat.

  2. Syazana Nadzir..Syapinat..Ejay Venus!- u girls teach me so many things in life..! u girls are the biggest influence in my life.

  3. Siti Hajar, Nurasyikin, Sarhanh, Intan, dan Nur Afiqah!! u guys have changed my perpectives in life.and to be a better person for the future..! quote from Hajar.. "berusaha demi masa depan anak-anak" kan aja..ehehe.!!

  4. Renie Ellyana, Mohd Arizal and Nurul Shazira. u guys makes me stronger.!

  5. Mimi-E!! i will be coming to kuching very soon!! so do expect me ok!! surprise!!

  6. Marwan.Joe Boitin.Idir...u guys have made who i am today..thank you so much for that. and please.can i have my soul back.??

  7. Kak Rems.Kak Atie.Rina.Shelbie.Maslianie.anda adalah tulang belakang saya sekarang.! thanks for listening to my bebelan setiap hari.muaaahh!

  8. Darlene..Ita..Viranjit..next weekend adalah weekend kita bersuka ria..darlene..i dont care if meo is here coz he will be here every month..tp si ita ni jarang ni mau jumpa dia ni..ok bebeh??!!

  9. En McDonald..please dont goda me with all ur burger ok..! so do mr KFC!

  10. tuan-tuan,cik-cik,puan-puan, dari SK Muhibbah, SMK Muhibbah, UTP, GEMS, PCSB-SBO.. thank you for having me in your life.!

ok itu jer..psstt..nak tau satu rahsia tak?? i took more than 4..or..5 days to finish up this post..

ok bye!!

.incik chipsmore,hows your holidae?.


paracetamol said...

berusaha utk suami dan anak2!!! ganbateee

Malissa Maryam Kadir said...

awww endang.. 4 to 5 days to finish this post. we miss u too bebeh!

0_o said...

weeewit...name kite ade la...

Siti Hajar said...

hahahha....ade name kte..yeay!!! sayang endang..ala2, rindu sgt2 kat endang. ase nak g utp blk, g klas same2 dgn kamu balik, story mori ari2 (sblm smpai klas pon smpat). siyes rindu endang...gugugu..

Siti Hajar said...

eh2, ade name kte....yeay! endang... rindu sgt2 kat kamu. rindu nak g kelas same2, dok 1 umah dgn endang lg, stori mori ari2 (even dlm pejalann g klas pon sempat), mkn same2 smbil menonton tv. arghhh....siyes rindu...