
"u ar the president of my heart,~"

..and i will be ur secretary..

Thursday, February 4, 2010

.jumpa ini masa baca my UTP-mate's blog.

saya amek ini dari BLOG INI..saya suka cara dia menulis.big fan of her blog.

1) Where is your cell phone?

my real fon - somewhere in the house la kot. rosak. kene pakai loudspeaker kalau nak ckp.huuu~terjerit2.huu..
my telefon pinjam - ada by my side.

2) Relationship?
single and ready to mingle.muahahaha.

3) Your hair?
finally dpt treatment yang sepatutnya.dan dah tak panjang lagik.ok rambut cepat panjang ok~!

4) Work?
sayalah presiden kelab penganggur di sandakan.

5) Your sisters?
sorang sewel dan sorang lagi gila.

6) Your favorite thing?
my fon yang rosak tu.witness everything that I've done.[not to forget my selimut.can't sleep without it.]

7) Your dream last night?
very2 weird.i wont tell it here or to anyone at all.

8) Your favorite drink?
Que Que Ice Yam .. emmm..

9) Your dream car?
Satria Neo kaler merah yang ade power teleportation.

10) Your shoes?
is so byk some of them i dont even know where they are.

11) Your fears?
is to be alone.

12) What do you want to be in 10 years?
ummi to Daniel Nashrique and Daniel Naqiuesha.

13) Who did you hang out with last weekend?
my parents.

14) What are you not good at?
remembering people's fon number.

15) One of your wish list items?
nikon D80.oohh bestnyer.saya tau this was like last year.but i'm not planning to be pro so.D80 is gud enuf.

16) Where you grew up?
Tawau..kota kinabalu..sandakan..Perak..sandakan..

17) Last thing you did?
on the fon with my exbf.

18) What are you wearing?
t-shirt dan shorts.

19) What aren’t you wearing?
weeding ring.

20) Your pet?
died.after giving a birth.she eat all her babies.

21) Your computer?
need a new skin.

22) Your life?
is full with asam garam sebagai seorg manusia.

23) Missing?
the most important person that change my life in the last 2 years.

24) What are you thinking about right now?
nak buat apa harini ek?

25) Your car?
i dont own my own car.sedih~!

26) Your kitchen?
is my mom's fav place.

27) Your favorite color?
green..pink..black..purple..white..and red.

28) Last time you laughed?
just now while talking to my exbf, he said something that make LOL until now.

29) Last time you cried?
2 days ago.

30) Love?
is to share.and to trust.but love is blind.love make people trust and share things that they shouldn't.

saya mahu tag org2 ini.
Syazana Nadzir
Nur Sarhanah
Diana Naubi
Ariana Naziha
Illy Maznah
dan mereka2 yang rasa nak buat tag ni.

-talking to u on the fon just now make me missing ur sense of humor-


paracetamol said...

endang..nnt kte buat eh..huhu.insyAllah

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